Oh wow! Little man is one year old! What a quick, amazing year! It's hard to believe how much a baby changes from birth to their first birthday, but even though this is my third go around, I am still amazed at what happens in a year. I am thankful to have a full memory bank from Levi's first year. Levi really has been a joy from the moment I met him. I can remember thinking he was too easy and that he would wake up and start being fussy sooner or later. Nope. Levi is a dream. A real dream. I am not sure if there will be anymore Odom babies, so if that is so, I have "ended" on a perfect note.
Levi, you are such a treasure to me. God designed you and placed you here for a reason. I know it with all that I have. I see it in you. Thank you for lighting up the room with your smile. I love how you are starting to point to everything, throw a ball(usually with your left hand), enjoy standing in the dishwasher, say "uh-oh" when you drop your paci, reach for me, and pull all the folded clothes out of the laundry basket. You are on the brink of walking, but currently get too excited to take your first step! Thankfully, you love eating all sorts of good foods, such as, peas, black beans, green beans, avocados, cheese and yogurt. I love you, little bug. You are more than blessing to me, and I am so thankful God gave you to me. He is so good!
3 months ago
He is so cute! I did not realize he was already one. He looks so different than the last time I saw him. Happy birthday to him!