Monday, June 20, 2011

The Drums!

On Thanksgiving night of 2010, my dad, mom, and I headed out to Toys 'R Us for our first Black Friday shopping. To say that we had a great time is an understatement. Though we waited for an hour to get in and an hour to check out, we found some great deals. On top of it all, my brother had sent us a few texts during the night to let us know my sweet niece would probably be arriving shortly. I say all this to say, I was experiencing a little euphoria along with a bit of sleep deprivation, so I wasn't making the best judgement decisions that evening. A perfect example of this is the drum set I let my parents buy, so they could tuck it away for Noah's birthday! Oh, they were half off and Noah does love to play the drums, but what was I thinking???? I mean, before these "real" drums entered the picture, I had Noah using drum sticks to play on soft, quiet pillows!
Noah was ecstatic when he opened up the drum set. Of course, David set it up immediately and the drumming began. He does have a natural touch, so he isn't necessarily banging on them like I expected. (His little brother, on the other hand, has a thing or two to learn!) It is the constant noise that led me to come up with "drum money". Yes, both the boys get their drum money in the morning and once they have spent it on playing their session, the drum sticks are put up. It is working so far!

Anyways, I really am glad that Noah got this instrument because I do think he has natural musical ability woven into to his DNA. Hopefully the novelty will wear off just a bit, so that the constant noise doesn't drive us (or our neighbors) crazy!

Noah's 4th Birthday-Part 2

As I said in my previous post, we had a great time celebrating with our family and friends at Noah's birthday party. After many attempts to persuade him to stick to a Toy Story themed party, Noah chose to have Spiderman as his guest for the night. Thankfully, there is a lot of cute stuff out there and we have some Spiderman toys already, so all in all, it turned out great! He tells me that when he turns 20, he is going to have a Green Goblin birthday party. I think I will keep this in my memory bank and show up to his college with a Green Goblin birthday cake!

It was a bit overcast that night, so the kids enjoyed being outside. We borrowed the bounce houses from church, which the kiddos always seems to love. Three of Noah's cousins were able to join us too (we missed you Nate and Lila)!

Noah got a lot of great presents! Much to his liking, we are on Spiderman overload! He did a fairly decent job at being thankful for his gifts. I find it a super hard concept to teach my little ones. I am so thankful that we are so blessed, but how do you teach kids to appreciate what they have and not need excess...

I tried to get each kid to sit with our giant Spiderman for a photo opt. I had much is a small collage. Sorry if you can't make out any of the children's faces. I'll post it on FB later!!
The kids had played outside for over 3 hours, so we ended the night with a little movie watching. What a great evening! I love my Noah!

Noah is Four!

My baby boy turned 4 last Wednesday! Time goes by so quickly! I mean, it is nuts that he is 4. I know I have said this before, but I really do love celebrating my children's birthday. We had a great time spoiling Noah on his special day!

As usual, we started off our day with birthday pancakes!
Then, we headed to Story Time and Chick-Fil-A with friends. I forgot to take pictures!
Noah requested chocolate gravy for his birthday dinner! Yes, this is gravy that tastes like pudding that you pour over biscuits. It's an Odom family tradition. Don't judge until you try it!
On Friday night, we had a great time celebrating with family and friends at his party! Spiderman was our theme!
Doesn't he look 4 here? I mean, he is chewing gum for crying out loud!!!
I will add more pics of the party in my next post. Until then, have a great day!

Monday, June 6, 2011


Hello blog friends! Sorry for the hiatus, but you know how it goes! We have been having a blast so far this summer. To say that we are outside all of the time is an understatement. Between baseball, pool stuff, and popsicles, our family can't get enough of the outdoors...with one exception...mosquitos!

The boys were momentarily satisfied with the blow-up pool in our front yard!
Once they played in a "real" pool, they just can't get enough. We are so thankful that we have great friends that are so generous to invite us!
God has truly blessed us with great friends at our church. The Crooks family has a farm and invited a crew of us out there for Farm Day 2011. There was a lot of excitement and fun had by all!
They have A LOT of Power Wheels toys, so the boys get a good fix when they are there!
Noah informed me that he wants the motorcycle (in the above picture) and the helmet (in the below picture) for his birthday!
David manned the Zip Line!

The boys ended the night with a pony ride! Great times! Thanks Crooks family!
