A. Best Buds
I absolutely love having two boys! Of course, if the Lord blesses us with another child (one day very, very far from now) and it is a girl, I will be ecstatic, but I tell you, if I had a house full of boys, I would be PERFECTLY content. Noah and Gavin have become inseparable. Noah loves to hold Gavin's hand, teach him how to do say a new word, play in his crib-you name it, Noah does with Gavin. My little one thinks that he, too, is about to turn 3, so Gavin attempts to do whatever Noah is doing. The child is fearless (which I haven't decided if that is good or bad-I guess its both)! I mean, Gavin actually likes being dunked under water. I tried to capture a few of their most recent moments together.

B. CBS program
The boys and I were a part of Community Bible Study this year. It was awesome! The bible study was a bit intense (we studied the divided kingdom and the minor prophets), but I really enjoyed it. The children's program is also grounded in biblical teaching, and Noah loved it. I mean, my little guy has a half dozen verses memorized. Yeah for Noah! The kids did a little end of the year program for the ladies. It was precious-I was so proud!
Noah's face is priceless here. This is when he found me in the audience. I think he was a bit confused!

Noah playing the sticks. This kid is going to be a drummer, ladies and gentlemen. I mean, he is good!

C. Mother's Day
I love being a mom to this sweet boy...
and this little guy...
David planned a nice picnic and boat ride for my mom, the boys and I on Mother's Day. It was a bit chilly, but we had a great time. Thanks for making it special David!
*We have been able to spend a lot of time with family over the past month. I will save those pictures for my next post because there are too many that I have to include! Until then, thanks for visiting our blog!