We had an awesome Christmas. Thankfully, we were able to spend a lot of time together as a family. FCC had an amazing, Christ-centered Christmas Eve service that my parents, David's parents, his Mamaw, and aunt and uncle were able to attend. We spent Christmas morning/afternoon at our house with my parents. Then, we headed to Greenwood were we celebrated with David's side of the fam. After a few days there, we headed back to Seneca and hosted a fun New Year's Eve celebration at our house with a bunch of friends. God truly blessed us with a great Christmas season. 2009 was great, but we are pumped about what God has in store for our family this year!!!!
Gavin was definitely more into the wrapping paper and bows than the presents. That is what we expected though!

Noah was so sweet opening gifts. He really seemed appreciative and content after receiving each gift. We will see how long that will last...
Our family photo AFTER the Christmas Eve service.

Aren't they precious? David and I make some handsome (I wanted to say pretty) little boys, if I do say so myself!
Mimi, Paka and the boys!
Noah and his sweet cousin Reagan. They had a blast playing together.
Grammy and the boys. I didn't do a very good job taking pictures at Grammy and Poppy's this year!!! I don't even think I got one picture of Poppy.
Noah using his new shaving kit!
When David and I got married 4 1/2 years ago, I registered for a Kitchen Aid mixer, knowing this gift was more of a dream than a reality. Well, as usual, the parents pulled off the best gift of the year...
And, ladies and gentlemen, my little man is 10 months old! I don't know why, but this "birthday" has been hard for me to accept. I can't believe he will be a year old here shortly. Where does the time go?!?

*Just as a side note, David got me a new computer, and this is the first blog from that. I feel like the pictures are a little bit too big, so bear with me as a figure this out!!!